European Researchers’ Night
September 19, 2019 | 17:00-21:00 | Lorry I. Lokey City Campus -Downtown Haifa

Lectures 19:00 - 21:00

Ideas Come True: Haifa Multiversity

Community and Academia Meet in Downtown Haifa

The University of Haifa is pleased to invite you to the European Researchers’ Night.  This year, the event will take the format of “Science at the Bar”.  Come hear fascinating presentations on contemporary topics by our award-wining faculty members.

The talks are being hosted at locations around the Lorry I. Lokey City Campus, innovation and high-tech centers and pubs.

The talks will be held simultaneously and are open to the general public.

Doors Open at 19:00 | Lectures Begin at 19:30

Free Admission. Seating will be on a first come first served basis. 


Dr. Yuval Nov – "Music and Evolution"

BPM College, Derech Ha'atzmaut 65, Haifa

Department: Statistics

music_animalsMusic is an evolutionary puzzle.  Why did humans evolve the tendency to create and enjoy music?  The talk will review the main theories proposed to solve this puzzle, and will present research about musicality in animals. 

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